Hemp Chicken Bedding 100L

REG $62.95

VIP $57.95

Shell Grit

REG $7.95

VIP $7.45

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Bainbridge Plastic Poultry Feeder Tankstand - 30L


Taking care of your pet chickens has never been easier with our wide range of chicken supplies! From cosy coops to nutritious feed and everything in between, we've got all the essentials you need to keep your feathered friends happy and healthy. Whether you're a first-time chicken owner or a seasoned pro, our selection of pet chicken supplies makes caring for your flock a breeze. With the right gear, your chickens will have the best possible environment to thrive, laying fresh eggs and showing off their personalities in no time!


What are essential pet chicken supplies do I need?

Essential supplies include a proper chicken coop, feed, a waterer, nesting boxes, and perches. You’ll also want to provide bedding, feeders, and any health supplies like grit or calcium supplements for happy, healthy chickens.

Are chicken supplies different from other types of birds?

Yes, chickens have specific needs compared to other birds. They require larger enclosures, specific types of feed, and nesting boxes for egg-laying. Unlike smaller birds, chickens benefit from ground-level spaces and larger, more durable supplies.