Bird Cage Covers & Accessories

Attention all bird lovers! Get ready to create the ultimate nest for your chirpy companions with Pet City's collection of bird cage covers and accessories. From bird cage covers for night that ensure peaceful slumber to practical bird cage tidy covers that keep messes in check, we've got your feathered friends covered. In addition, you can elevate their habitat with convenient bird seat covers and feeders. Check out our collection today!


What are bird cage covers, and why are they used in pet bird care?

Bird cage covers are protective accessories used in pet bird care. A bird cage cover, including a bird cage bottom cover, shields the cage to create a secure and calming environment. On top of that, these covers offer added protection, reducing drafts and blocking out excess light, ensuring restful sleep and comfort for your feathered companion. Meanwhile, a bird cage tidy cover also prevents excess water and food spillage, promoting a cleaner cage environment.

How do I introduce a bird cage cover to my pet bird's routine for optimal results?

Gradually introduce the bird cage cover to your pet bird's routine. Begin by draping a lightweight bird cage cover material over a portion of the cage during the daytime. Increase the coverage duration each day. Eventually, cover the cage entirely at night to create a cosy, restful environment for your feathered friend.